
Urbantastic.com 是一個有趣的微型志工(micro-volunteering)網站,為非營利組織媒合有意願、但時間有限、無法完全投入的網友,透過一步步的資訊揭露、分享,提供聚沙成塔、積少成多的協助。

就像是 SETI@home 透過網路、利用個人電腦的閒置時間,想要找出外星人,Urbantastic.com 也頗類似網路世界裡的 crowdsourcing、cloud computing 概念,但,能成事嗎?

"Urbantastic is a micro-volunteering site. Micro-volunteering is just what it sounds like: small, quick, low-comittment ways to help out a cause. Nonprofit organizations get high-quality work, busy people get the thrill of acting on their core beliefs….We help both NPO’s and supporters get there step-by-step, through progressive engagement."

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