2009 Nonprofit Technology Conference 即將展開

Nonprofit Technology Conference 是美國非營利組織科技運用的盛會,今年(2009)有超過 1,500人報名參加,議程超過百場,還有開放接受申請的 Ignite Sessions

開拓文教基金會將會參加 NTC 2009,我們也將會在網路星期二的第一場聚會中(時間未定),邀請她們分享此行的所見所聞。

如果不能到場,除了在網路上追蹤可能的記錄之外,還可以透過 social media、webinar 與 live streaming,遠距/線上參與部分很棒的議程:

This is Iron Chef...Battle Nonprofit

Using just one secret ingredient (a small Bay Area nonprofit), three web teams will compete in the heat of battle, offering up exceptional tasting menus, each featuring a delicious new homepage design, a well-seasoned fundraising campaign and a perfectly balanced social networking plan. Only one team can prevail – who will it be?

